Be On Time Poster Competition


Ms Kavanagh was extremely busy last week giving out lots of prizes for the Be On Time poster initiative. There were some great entries and congratulations to all the winners !!

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Give Leabhar Gaeilge



We were recently awarded 100 children’s books as Gaeilge as part of the #GiveLeabharGaeilge initiative by Kids Books Ireland and Foras na Gaeilge. Thanks to Ms Minnock for successfully applying for this great initiative agus beidh ár páisití fíor gnóthach ag léamh na leabhair álainn seo! Go raibh míle maith agaibh

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FAI 5 a side Soccer Trials

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We’ve been very busy the last number of weeks in St Fiacc’s preparing for our FAI 5 a side soccer tornaments. There was a massive interest in the girls and boys competitions and we will be picking final panels in the coming weeks. All children got the opportunity to partake in three afternoons on the All-Weather pitch in St Pats and a small selection of students will then represent the school on the 21st March in the Carlow Schools Cup. Many thanks to St Pats for giving us permission to use their lovely pitch.

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National FÍS Award Winners

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It has been a sensational week here in St Fiacc’s as we were crowned the overall  ‘Film of the Year’ at the FÍS awards. It was a huge occasion for all members of our school community and there was great celebrations when we won the award in the Helix and back in Graiguecullen. The film tells the story of Arsenni who was a student here last year and his journey from war torn Ukraine to Graiguecullen. It is so well made and put together by our 6th class students last year under the masterful watch of Mr Keogh. The original music was made by Mr O’Flaherty. A massive thanks to our teachers for steering the project and a huge well done to Arsennis and all the students who took part in this wonderful film. The sto

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Lego Spike Programming

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Our 5th classes have been busy working on Lego Spike Coding this week as part of Engineers Week and also our STEM and Digital Learning Framework in the school. There were some fantastic projects made !

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Students of the Week 23/02


Maith sibh !! Well done to our brilliant Students of the week this week!

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St Abbans Table Quiz

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Well done to our Quiz Teams who represented the school in the St Abban’s Quiz on Wednesday night ! Allteams did really well with four qualifying for the finals next week but it was great fun all round! Thanks to Ms Hennessy for organising!

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Students of the Week 09/02


Well done to our Students of the Week last Friday!

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Huge excitment in Ms O’Brien’s J.Infant Class

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I was so lucky to visit Ms O’Briens Junior Infants today. Not only did they win the best attendance award and get to bring their Teddies to school but the chicks also hatched from their eggs during the week. The chicks are an initiative by Nore Valley Pet Farm to show children how chicks are incubated. It was a lovely visit and the chicks are in great hands.

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Fresh Today Sponsorship of New Jerseys

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A huge thanks to our Hot Meals Provider ‘Fresh Today’ for sponsoring us a new set of GAA jerseys. We were delighted when Anne Kelly arrived in today with the new jerseys which will be used by our Girls and Boys Teams in the school. We really appreiate their kind sponsorhip.

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Students of the Week 02/02


Well done to our amazing students who won Student of the Week today!

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Carlow Credit Union Quiz Success!

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Well done to our two fabulous Quiz Teams that performed so well in the Carlow Credit Union Quiz last Sunday. In very stiff competiton our Senior Team finished third scoring 53 marks from 72 which was exceptional. Our Junior Team scored 46 out of 60 and won the Junior competition. There was great excitment when they were called out as winners and they go on now to represent Carlow in the Regional Section of the competition. It’s the first time in 20 years since we won and our Captain Cian’s mother, Ms O’Brien, was on the last team that won. She was there to cheer Cian and his teamates on the day. Thanks so much to Ms Hennessy, the quiz guru in our school for all her knowledge and training. Also well done to the other Quizzers who will be out in action at the St Abban’s Quiz in a few weeks time.

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GrandParents Day -CSW 2024

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We had a very special day in St Fiacc’s N.S on Wednesday with Grandparents Day as part of our Catholic School’s Week. We really appreciate all of our wonderful grandparents taking to time to visit and we had an awesome morning with them in all of our classes. Some pictures attached!

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Athletics Success!!


St Fiacc’s N.S had a phonomenal day in the Carlow Cross Country Championships in the Carlow Town Hurling Club on Wednesday this week. 36 athletes took part and brought home a total of 18 medals which was our most successful year we’ve had in athletics. We are proud of all of our students who took part- massive thanks to Ms Ward and Mr Brennan for all their training which stood to our teams on the day!

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Hands on Maths !

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I was delighted to be asked to join Ms Kavanagh and Ms O’Toole’s classes in the afternoons for an 8 week block of hands on Maths. This week we worked on Fractions using Numicon and Peg Boards and there will be an emphasis on using concrete materials in the sessions. Looking forward already to more new fun activities next week when we will be using Cuisinere Rods and Izak9 Cubes.

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4th Class Visual Arts

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Ms Canavan’s class had a great day in Carlow Visual Centre last week where they had a day of engaging in an Art and Drama- It was so well run and as you can see from the pictures they all had an awesome time being creative – Thanks to Ms Killeen and Mr Scott for facilitating the event and to all the brilliant Team in the Visual.

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Students of the Week


Well done to our fantastic Students of the Week!

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Mass of the Ephipany


Thanks to all our amazing readers and servers for the beautiful mass on Tuesday to finish off a lovely Christmas period. There was even a special appearance from Buddy ! Many thanks to Fr Dunphy for facilitating and to Ms Kavanagh, Ms Davitt and Mr Kelly for the lovely music.

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Nollaig Shona Daoibh


Mr Brennan and the school management would like to wish all teachers, SNA’s, Ancillary staff, students, parents/guardians and all members of the St Fiacc’s School community a very happy Christmas. We hope that it is a time of peace, love and joy for you all.

Nollaig Shona Daoibh go Léir!

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Visit from Santa

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We had an awesome visit from Santa and his elf yesterday which caused a great stir of excitment in the school. All pupils in Junior classes received a chocolate treat and some magic reindeer food to keep the reindeer going on their long journey around the world. A huge thanks to Sharon, James and all then Parents Associaton for organising the logistics of the visit and to Santa for taking the time out of his busy schedule to visit.

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